Depression manifests differently in each of these narratives, leaving something for everyone, so no one feels alone.
Depression manifests differently in each of these narratives, leaving something for everyone, so no one feels alone.
Keep up with our latest articles, book reviews and original creative writing pieces, as well as exclusive rewards.
Keep up with our latest articles, book reviews and original creative writing pieces, as well as exclusive rewards.
Challenging the literary establishment.
Challenging the literary establishment. The Rauch Review debates what makes books “good,” regardless of establishment acclaim. We also champion important books you won’t see in stores.
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The Rauch Review debates what makes books “good,” regardless of establishment acclaim. We also champion important books you won’t see in stores. Learn more
What does it mean to be an author? What are their challenges, beliefs and debates in the modern era?
“The literary establishment,” refers to a group of organizations, companies, administrative professionals, influencers and creatives who act as powerful gatekeepers in the world of books.
The Rauch Review explores the intersection of politics and literature, including authors whose work is nonpolitical or doesn’t seem overtly political.
Like writing books, reviewing them is a craft. How can reviews be informative for readers and fair to authors? Striking that balance is no easy feat.
Mainstream media often uses identity politics to extol mediocrity and pigeon hole people of color. TRR believes identities should be acknowledged, but not prioritized over evaluations of writing quality.
Critics are often wrong, elitist, misinformed and cowardly. As critics ourselves, we want to do better and demonstrate real political courage. Please hold us accountable as well.